Monday, November 4, 2019

Summer of Service

June/July 2019

Have you ever had so many things happen that you are unsure what to share? That is how I feel right now. Here are some of the highlights from June/July:

(1) Salvation of 24 people
(2) Baptism of 21 people
(3) Pastor's Training of 30 men
(4) Youth Rally that drew an attention of over 800 teens
(5) Visits by two American teams
(6) Surrender of two young men to full-time Christian service
(7) Awarding of 2 Bible School Scholarships
(8) Preaching at three of the churches we helped to start - one is now running 1400, the second 1000 and the third 400.
(9) Servicing the Majaoni community with a one-day medical camp
(10) Traveling to Kisumu, Kenya to be an encouragement to two church planters and their families
(11) Having my sons ministering to needy children right before my eyes
(12) Watching my wife cry over the lives of women who have accepted Christ.

I could go on and on because it was a summer of adventure and amazement. Adventure because for the first time in a long time our whole family got to be in Kenya together. Amazement because we serve a BIG God who does BIG things.
One of the highlights of every year is to be able to provide buildings for faithful pastors and see them meeting on a permanent site.  Pastors sign up for the program every year and we have a long waiting list.  Each pastors must have a congregation of at least 50 adults and own their own land to even qualify for the program.  If you would like to help us build a church in the 2019-2020 planting season, please submit your donation to the address below.  It takes around $10,000 to buy a building which may seem like a lot but with each one giving something, God provides at least one building every year.
 I was talking to two teenage boys who are now seniors in our high school.  These two particular boys have been with us since they were in kindergarten.  We have in some sense grown up together.  As we were talking about plans for the up-coming August youth camp, out of nowhere, one of the boys asked, "Do you know how much you are loved and appreciated?" It took my breath away and I didn't know how to respond.  He went on to tell me that the whole school knew that Lisa and I had sacrificed over the years to see them get a good education but then he concluded with "but we love you most for bringing Jesus to us."  It was exactly what I needed to hear in 2019.

So I want to ask you as a sponsoring church or individual..."Do you know how much you are loved and appreciated?"  We love you and appreciate all the sacrifices you make but most of all we love you for allowing us to bring Jesus to the people of Kenya.

Bobby and Lisa Bechtel

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