Wednesday, May 25, 2016

No Return Without Investment

How is your retirement account?  Do you regularly put something into it? How are you investing? Do you understand compound interest? We usually think of investments in the terms of money or finances, but it is just as important that we learn to invest our time and talents, as well as, our treasure. Why? Because...

There is no return without investment. 

Galatians 6:8,9 says, "For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

The level of our investment in spiritual things determines the level of return that we receive now and in all eternity.To invest wisely we need to understand clearly how and in what to invest.

We are all used to saying "I work hard for my money and I am willing to give my offering to the church and even to help give to missions but the rest of the money is mine to spend." The same goes for our time and talent. We spend our time doing what we want to do and we normally spend our talents in a way that brings some type of satisfaction to our lives.

As Christians we need to look at every interaction of our day differently than unbelievers. Every activity of our day is a God-given opportunity for investment. We need to invest our time, talent and treasure not just spend it. We must all learn to ask God: "Is this a good investment or it is the best investment of my time, talent and treasure for your kingdom?" A book I have been reading defines a good investment as one that invites us to receive an instant return while the best investment usually yields results we won't see until sometime in the future.

In the beginning The Hope Foundation was established to help twenty five children get some food. Lisa and I invested our money, time and talent and hoped that we could make a difference in the lives of these twenty five children. God took that little investment and multiplied it and multiplied it. Now we serve over 1000 children not only with food but with education and medical needs. But most of all our goal has always been to share the Gospel of Jesus with them and see them become a part of God's family. We want them to experience a richer life as they learn to not just strive for money but to invest their lives in God's work. We want them to invest wisely so that they can reap the multiplicity of God's returns. We couldn't do this without hundreds of people who have chosen to invest in the lives of Kenyan children and families monthly. Thanks to our sponsors!

You should never underestimate your power to invest in the moments of your life. I would advise that you take time to invest in something bigger than yourself. 

Edward Abbey wrote, "Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul." James said something similar in chapter 2 verse 26: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.."

My prayer for you is that you won't be one who simply wastes or squanders what  you have been given for a quick result. Investment demonstrates that we can be trusted with so much more than we have been given. 

Would you intentionally invest your assets, your time and your talent in The Hope Foundation? It is not just a good investment. It is the best investment. Why? Because what you offer to the least of these in Kenya is extremely valuable because it will produce a rich long-term return to you in every area of your life. 

We are seeking people who would not only sponsor a child but be willing to send $10 - $30 per month to help with the overall running of the foundation and its gospel and humanitarian projects. If you already sponsor a child, remember the total $30 you send for your sponsored child is put toward your child. Lisa and I run the foundation by faith that God will provide for its needs and God always uses people to invest in His kingdom work. 

Will you be one of them?