Wednesday, September 6, 2017

We Can Do It! Together.

We can do it!!! We need sponsors for 25 of our adorable 4 year olds. These are children from a rural village in Kenya that come from very needy families.

By sponsoring these children, you give them food, medical care, education, and the love of God. It is just $35 a month to sponsor an elementary child or $45 a month for a high school student. It will greatly change their life.

Sponsorship means going from poverty to employment, starvation to health, uneducated
to educated, lost to found, hopeless to having HOPE.

Go to and click on "Child Sponsorship". Scroll down to see available children to sponsor or Email us at and let us know who you would like to help have a chance at a better life.

We can do it! Together.